School committee

Being a rep on the School Committee is a great way to get to know others and how the school operates. Each class has two or three reps and School Committee, headed by the Chair/s, meets once a term.

School activities

The committee organises and runs social, charitable and other day-to-day non-curricular school activities, for example:

Autumn: Farmer’s market, Harvest Festival assembly and distribution of food vouchers, Christmas fair, juniors carol concert, children’s Christmas parties and various cake sales.

Spring: main fundraising event which could be a quiz or auction evening, juniors’ and infants’ discos and various cake sales.

Summer: Summer fair and various cake sales.

Fund raising

The committee raises money in support of the school’s chosen charities along with the school bursary fund.

Find out more

Autumn term

Autumn term

The Christmas fair is always a highlight of the Autumn term. The school hall and playground are beautifully decorated and there are many fun and traditional stalls. A firm favourite with the children is Santa’s Grotto with many other stalls including arts and crafts, chocolate tombola, bottle tombola, secret Santa, face painting, disco room, fabulous hampers in the raffle and many external stalls as well as some Christmas songs from the parent choir.

Spring term

Spring term

There is always a fun parent social in the Spring term, whether it be a quiz, comedy evening or auction with dinner made by our own chef. Mad March Hair Day is loved by the children.


Summer term

Summer term

The playground is always awash with children’s activities, food stalls, Father’s Day gifts and the very popular chocolate tombola!